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Preventive Cardiology Program & Lipid Clinic

Preventive Cardiology Program & Lipid Clinic

Bassett Healthcare Network's Preventive Cardiology Program & Cholesterol Clinic focuses on prevention of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. Heart disease is the number one cause of death and disability of both men and women in America, and prevention is more important than ever.

Who is this Program Designed for?

The program has been designed for people who:

  • Wish to reduce their risk of heart attack, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease
  • Already have heart condition and want to reduce their risk of heart disease progression
  • Want a comprehensive risk factor assessment
  • Have a family history of cardiovascular disease
  • Wish to pursue healthy lifestyle modifications, including weight-loss, exercise, and smoking cessation
  • Have hard-to-control blood pressure or cholesterol
  • Have trouble tolerating side effects from cholesterol medications
  • Have diabetes or other risk factors

Preventative Services Offered:

Bassett's Preventive Cardiology Program & Lipid Clinic offers a variety of services and resources to help patients prevent cardiovascular disease and improve heart health, including:

  • Cholesterol and full lipid profile testing and management
  • Management of high blood pressure
  • Smoking cessation assistance
  • Nutrition evaluation and weight-loss counseling
  • Physical fitness assessment and exercise counseling
  • Screening tests for cardiovascular disease

What Can I Expect During my First Visit?

When you arrive for your first appointment, you will meet with a cardiologist Merle Myerson, MD, and review your cardiovascular risk factors, lifestyle, family history, and medications. You may have blood tests or cardiac tests ordered, after which you will have a follow-up meeting to discuss a management plan.

Do I Need a Referral from my Primary Care Practitioner?

Many insurance plans allow you to make your own referral. If so, you may make an appointment directly by calling Bassett's Cardiology line at (607) 547-3180.

Is Bassett's Preventive Cardiology Program & Lipid Program Covered by Medicare and Medicaid?

Yes. Patients who receive treatment at Bassett's Preventive Cardiology Program & Lipid Clinic are covered, as sessions are billed as sick visits. Check with your insurance provider to learn more details.